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Vinyl: LP Ludwig van Beethoven, Gregor Piatigorsky, Solomon Sonatas For Violoncello

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Ludwig van Beethoven
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LP Ludwig van Beethoven, Gregor Piatigorsky, Solomon Sonatas For Violoncello
(This image comes from discogs)
(This image comes from discogs)

LP:Ludwig van Beethoven , Gregor Piatigorsky , Solomon,Sonatas For Violoncello & Piano Volume Three


Label:His Master's Voice
Catalogue Number:ALP 1347

Condition / Grading

Cover / Case:
VINYL / Medium:
* According to


1/1Ludwig van Beethoven , Gregor Piatigorsky , Solomon-Sonata No. 4 In C Major, Op. 102 No 1
1/1Ludwig van Beethoven , Gregor Piatigorsky , Solomon-Sonata No. 5 In D Major, Op. 102, No. 2
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ITEM-ID : 22860012999.