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Phono Cylinder: Edison 2 Minute Black Wax Cylinder Phonograph Records - Nice! Updated 8/11/2018
29.95 USD
12.50 USD
28 Aug 2018
11 Aug 2018
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Updated 8/11/18 Keep checking back for updates. And more coming soon!
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In this auction I will be listing Edison 2 Minute Wax Records and a few Columbia’s. They are all in very good condition. Nice shiny black, no mold. No cracks. No big edge chips. Light scuffs here-n-there, but no big scratches . Overall, very nice shape. All cylinders come in a cloth lined box with a Lid. Listed below is the full Title & Artist of each record because the drop down menu (next to the picture) where you select a record is too small a space for this info. Also, an "L" after the record number indicates a matching lid like the ones in the last picture above. I know how to pack records for a safe arrival.
Check my other auctions as I have over 750 cylinder records including Blue Amberols, 2 and 4 Minute Indestructables, U.S.Everlasting & Lakesides, Edison 4 min black wax cylinders listed and more coming.
92 The Star Spangled Banner Edison Grand Concert Band
120-L Mendelssown’s Wedding March Edison Grand Concert Band
536 Forget-Me-NotWaltz Edison Symphony Otchestra
644 Titl’s Serenade Edison Symphony Otchestra
664 At the Circus Edison Symphony Orchestra
1559 Where is My Wandering Boy To-Night? (Sacred) Reed Miller
2201 Annie Laurie Edison Male Quartette
2223 My Old Kentucky Home Edison Male Quartette
4004 Laughing Song Johnson
6602 Parody on Widow’s Plea for Her Son Frank North
7111 Up Came Johnny with His Camera (Comic Song) Will Denny
7382 While the Leaves Came Drifting Down Harlan & Madeira
8121 Two Rubes in a Tavern Harlan & Stanley
8129 Roosevelt’s Rough Ryder March Edison Grand Concert Band
8136 Nearer My God To Thee Edison Grand Concert Band
8146 Down at Finnegan’s Jamboree (Violin) D’Almaine
8150 I Got Married this Morning Favor
8151 Tenting To-Night on the Old Camp Ground Stanley
8173 Taking a Trip Up The Hudson Redmond
8293 Turkey in the Straw Billy Golden
8360 Casey & His Gang of Irish Laborers J. White
8371 Sly Musette Harry MacDonough
8404 Spring of Love (Violin & Flute) Jaudas & Rose
8468 There’s A Mother Always Waiting You, Etc. Harlan & Stanley
8475 Parody on Hiawatha Collins & Harlan
8606 Marching Thro’ Georgia Harlan & Stanley
8655 Blue Bell Harlan & Stanley
8666 Come Down from the Big Fig Tree Collins & Harlan
8678 Pop Goes the Weasel Medley (Violin) D”Almaine
8684 Good-By My Lady Love MacDonough
8698 Turkey in the Straw Medley Edison Military Band
8712 Down on the Brandywine Collins & Harlan
8754 Belle of the West (Coronet) Edison Military Band
8805 Battle Cry of Freedom Harlan & Stanley
8810 Down Where the Sweet Potatoes Grow Collins & Harlan
8872 Just Before the Battle Mother MacDonough & Bieling
8906 Dreamy Moments (Violin & Flute) Jaudas & Rose
8949 Mildred Schottische (Bells) Benzler
8966 Bunker Hill Harlan & Stanley
8967 Gandfather’s Clock Edison Male Quartette
8982 Heine (Vaudeville) Jones & Spencer
8984 The Professor & the Musical Tramp (Vaudeville) Spencer & Hunter
9035 Two Little Bulfinches Polka (Clarinet Duet) Rubel & Tuson
9040 I Need Thee Every Hour MacDonough & Bieling
9072 Mississippi Minstrels Edison Modern Minstrels
9094 Little Girl You’ll Do Gillette
9096 Sing Me the Songs of Dixie Land Edison Male Quartette
9135 I'm the Only Star that Twinkles on Broadway Contralto
9142 Fol - The - Rol - Lol Favor
9162-L Silver Threads Among the Gold Marrie Narelle
9163 Short Stories (Talking) Frank Bush
9172 Fritzy and Louisa (Vaudeville) Jones & L. Spencer
9176-L Hebrew Vaudeville Spec. Parody “In Shade of Old AppleTree” J. Rose
9180 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour Anthony & Harrison
9189 A Gay Gossoon (Banjo) Ossman
9230 I Lost My Heart ‘Way Down in Alabama MacDonough
9237 Waltz of the Roses Edison Symphony Orchestra
9252 I am Praying for You Anthony & Harrison
9267 My Little Dutch Colleen (Comic Song) Ada Jones
9288 So Long, Mary Contralto
9303 Lonesome Little Maid (Tenor) Gillette
9324 Bell Solo from “The Magic Flute” (Bell Solo) Benzler
9333 Clancy’s Wooden Wedding (Comic Song) Edward Meeker
9334 Fisher’s Hornpipe Medley (Violin) Moeslein
9339 The Bull-Frog and the Coon Ada Jones
9349 The Two Jolly Irishmen (Irish Sketch) Spencer & Porter
9365 Is Your Mother in, Molly Malone (Comic Song) Helen Trix
9369 Sisseretta’s Visit to the North (Vaudeville) Billy Golden
9393 Blue Ribbon March Edison Military Band
9407 Jim Jackson’s Last Farewell (Vaudeville) Jones & Spencer
9417 Iola - Intermezzo Edison Military Band
9426 A Chip of the Block Comic Song) Helen Trix
9431 Down on the Farm (Vaudeville) Jones & Spencer
9440 I’m Getting Ready for My Mother-in-law (Comic Song) Roberts
9441 Colonial Guard March Edison Military Band
9443 It is Well With My Soul Edison Mixed Quartette
9450 The Bird on Nellie’s Hat (Comic Song) Helen Trix
9453 March “Jose” (Xylophone) Benzler
9467 Looking this Way Hinkle & Keyes
9472 And a Little Child Shall Lead Them (Tenor) Harlan
9505 The Record March Edison Military Band
9513 National Fencibles March Edison Military Band
9523 How Matt Got the Mitten (Vaudeville) Jones & Spencer
9531 Poor John (Comic Song) Ada Jones
9552 Meet Me Down at the Corner (Vaudeville) Jones & Spencer
9562 School Days Harlan
9594 Flanagan and His Servant Girl (Vaudeville) Porter
9601 Shoulder Arms March Edison Military Band
9608 Flanagan and His Money Porter
9622-L Red Wing Frederick Potter
9631 Many’s the Time Collins & Harlan
9638 I Think I Oughtn’t Ought To Any More (Comic Song) Meeker
9639 Tell Mother I’ll be There Solo & Mixed Quar.
9645 Red Wing Medley (Xylophone) Benzler
9647 Flanagan at the Barber's (Vaudeville Specialty) Porter
9672 Dixie Minstrels Minstrels
9689 Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer Instrumental Trio
9705 Honey Boy Medley (Xylophone) Benzler
9706 Wouldn’t You Liketo Have Me For a Sweetheart Ada Jones
9707 Three Rubes Seeing New York Edison Vaudeville Company
9715 Old Dog Sport (Descriptive) L. Spencer & Girard
9741 Suwannee River with Orchestra Variations Edison Symphony Orchestra
9760 Romance and Reality (Comic Song) Favor
9767 August and Katrina (Vaudeville Sketch) Jones & L. Spencer
9827 My Mother’s Prayer Edison Mixed Quartette
9839 The Country Constable Edison Vaudeville Company
9848-L Shall We Gathern at the River? (Sacred) Edison Mixed Quartette
9864 The Laughing Spectator Vaudeville Specialty
9893 Lady Binnie & Shores of Lake Erie (Violin Solo) Craig
9898 Mother Hasn’t Spoke to Father Since (Comic Song) Collins
9930 Childhood (Tenor) Harlan
9955 House Cleaning Time (Vaudeville Sketch) Jones & Spencer
9963 Matt Keefe’s Yodle Song Stricklet & Keef
10034-L Uncle Josh’s New Year’s Pledge Cal Stewart
10048 Uncle Josh in a Roller Skating Rink Cal Stewart
10074 Policeman O’Reilly on Duty Porter
10085-L Uncle Josh on a Fifth Avenue Bus Cal Stewart
10093-L Ground Hog Day at Pumpkin Center Cal Stewart
10138 No One Knows. Manuel Romain
10164-L Braham’s Medley Jig New York Military Band
10174-L Good Night, Moonlight Premier Quartette
10232-L Two Old Songs (Bells) Benzler
10244-L Oakleigh Quickstep (Banjo Solo) Olly Oakley
10260-L Spring Song Victor Herbert & His Orchestra
10392 Just One Word From You Thompson
10448-L “Honor Bright, I Loves Yer Right” Jones & Spencer
10522-L Alexander’s Ragtime Band (Coon Song) Billy Murray
10556-L Our Band March New York Military Band
12516 “Chiming Bells” Orchestra Bells
14028 Uncle Josh in a Chinese Laundry Cal Stewart
31324 “Arbucklenian Polka” Coronet Solo
32221 Soko (Moorish) March - Intermezzo Arnold
32492 “One Sweetly Solemn Thought” (Tenor with Organ)
32806 “I’ll be Waiting in Gloaming, Sweet Genevieve Tenor
32986 Minstrel Record “B” Introducing, “Dixie Dear”
33024-L Uncle Josh at a Roller Skating Rink Cal Stewart
33064 “Jealous” -Coon Character- (Vocal Sketch) Ada Jones & L. Spencer
33176 “Oh! OH! Miss LucyElla” Baritone Solo
Columbia Foreign Series
53604 Not Titled